Get Out - Jordan Peele

Get Out is a  award winning 2017 horror-thriller film that was written and directed by Jordan Peele.  This was his first time directing a film  and by his own admission he chose to make particular film as a way to establish himself as an auteur.  His goal was to express how black people live in white spaces. 

In this film, the movie focuses on an African-American man named Chris who is going to meet his white girlfriend's parents and discovers there is something happening on the estate that involving hypnosis and the transplanting of white people minds into black people's bodies.  One of the main themes in the movies is focused on racism and how African American people are often mistreated and their bodies are often misused.  The African American people are seen in servitude roles while the white people are shown as having wealth.  To show this difference, Peele uses close ups or lingering shots to create an uneasiness like when they are
hypnotizing Chris and you see the range of his facial expressions. 

We also see Peele's use of horror throughout this film to create suspense, paranoia and sympathy for the African American people.  When Chris is strapped to the chair and the white people are explaining the process for putting a white person's brain into his body, you see the sweat and fear in Chris' eyes as he realizes he will trapped in this state of void forever. 

After Chris flashes a character with his phone, he is able to bring him out of the trance.  In this moment, we know something is about to happen and you feel the unease as the camera is close up on the faces and it is registering a since of fear.  


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